nutrition • movement • wellness

Kris will Get You on Track.

Are you ready for some new movement in your journey toward improving your health? Nutrition counselor and registered dietitian Kris Ball will help guide you on your way to healthy living, one small change at a time. If you want to eat and live better, Kris can help!


8 Weeks to Success Program

Through individual recommendations from Kris, get started eating healthier and feeling better.

One-on-One Nutrition Counseling

Whether you meet with Kris once or several times, personalized, individual sessions can help you achieve your health goals.

7-Day Body Restore Program

Reduce sugar and junk food cravings to begin a healthier diet with a simple plan of eating proteins, fruits and veggies, and whole foods.

Food Sensitivity/Gut Health Testing

Discover whether food sensitivities are causing health issues such as gut disorders, skin issues, joint pain, migraines, and more.


Movement is a key component to overall wellness, and if you’ve already taken the first step with good nutritional choices, why not add some movement to your routine! FITNESS CLASSES

Recent Blog Posts

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  • Eat More, Feel Better - Eating frequently throughout the day is beneficial to keep mood and energy high, blood sugar levels stable and help with increased metabolism and weight loss. If you can remember to eat something every 3-4 hours, you can benefit in many ways. Fueling up first thing in the a.m. is easy. Here is an idea of […]
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  • Summer Travel and Healthy Eating - The sun is out and people are traveling…It’s summertime!! Whether you are flying or driving, eating healthy while traveling can be easy if you are prepared. When you arrive at your destination, it’s important to stay with a plan as much as possible. Here are a few things I suggest in order to stay on […]
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