8 Weeks to Success Program

fitness-classes-imageAre you ready for a lifestyle change? Do you want to feel better, know you should eat healthier, but you’re not sure where to start? Our 8 Weeks to Success Program is for you.

Designed to offer individual nutrition recommendations, help with goal setting, and accountability, the Success Program gives you the knowledge and encouragement you need to make healthful food choices and eat your way to wellness.

The program begins with Kris meeting you to learn your health history and general health condition, eating and exercise habits, and your strengths and weaknesses as related to eating and nutrition, as well as what you hope to get from the program.

You’ll spend your first week in her 7-Day Body Restore program, a basic system cleanse and food detox that will help you overcome your cravings for sugar and other junk food.

She will give you a customized eating plan that offers guidance on the foods to eat – and their quantities – to help you achieve your goals. Want to lose weight so you have the energy to keep up with your active kids? Her eating plan will provide you with a map to success.

Then once a week, you will meet with Kris to share your progress on goals made at the last meeting, discuss the weekly health topic – benefits of drinking water, why protein is king, healthy alternatives to not-so-healthy foods, etc. – and set goals for the upcoming week. Kris will share recipes for healthy eating (yes, you can make healthy brownies!), take you to the grocery store to scout out healthful foods in unexpected places or walk you through your own pantry to talk about healthy – and not so healthy – foods you normally purchase, and encourage you to share your experiences while on the path to a lifestyle change. She also offers little rewards along the way to help keep your motivation high.

  • 8 Weeks to Success Program
  • $785
  • Includes 7-Day Body Restore Program
  • Email Kris at numuvwellness@gmail.com to sign up.